History Matters is an online collection of resources for students, instructors, and history enthusiasts. As the title suggests, this website aims to help students understand the past in order to make them better citizens today. The materials gathered here are all closely aligned with textbooks published by the University of Toronto Press-”primarily in medieval and early modern history.
Resources are organized by the books that they are designed to support, but can also be searched by time period. Take some time to roam around. Test your knowledge of the history of Western civilization, explore maps of medieval times, and familiarize yourself with the lineages that dominated the Italian Renaissance.
Study questions are one of the main features of the site. These questions, designed around individual books, provide rigorous tests of students-™ knowledge of each book chapter and are an invaluable tool for students as they progress through a course or as they prepare for exams. Also included are downloadable maps, genealogies, images, bibliographies, glossaries, and additional essays. Each book is accompanied by a range of resources intended specifically to help students and instructors succeed.
History Matters represents the considerable expansion of a former website that focused exclusively on medieval history. As it has been reimagined and reinvented, the site now incorporates books and resources from right across the history of Western civilization. History Matters will continue to grow over time as more materials are added. If you agree with us that the teaching and studying of history truly matters, we hope that you will return to visit the site again and again.
Comments, queries, and advice are always welcome. Please email us with any feedback.